Melanin + Moxie

Browsing Category:

Living Colorfully

Relationships, Wellness

On the Magic of October

October has always been my favorite month–and not just because it’s the month when I was born. The crisp air, the symphony of colors, the taste of freshly fried apple cider donuts, and the childish joy that comes from trampling through piles of leaves. I just love it–all of it. And no matter how many times I get called ‘basic,’ I’ll keep on loving my pumpkin spice tea (courtesy of my amazing cousin) and cozy layers that don’t leave me looking like  ...

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Blog, Inspiration, Living Colorfully

On Black Girl Magic

The night before last something incredible happened. So incredible, in fact, that I spent all day yesterday walking a little bit taller—yes, even with my cane. I held my head higher, felt my spirit fly freer, and felt my mind and body grow more capable. It was as if the political winds of Ayana, Rachael, Nika, and Liz were lifting up my spirit when I hadn’t even realized it had been crushed. It’s as if their wins were my wins too, and in some sense I imagine they are. I don’t just mean  ...

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Musings, Wellness

On learning to do my hair

    I have a confession. I am 30 years old and I am just now beginning to learn how to do my hair. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s taken me three decades to confront the problem head on (no pun intended). Now lest my grandmother somehow come across this, let me dispel the notion that I was somehow an unkept child. (Grandma, do you even know how to google blogs? Who am I kidding? If your grandmother is anything like mine, you know they find a way to keep sorts of  ...

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Living Colorfully, Musings

On facing disappointment and heartbreak

This morning I woke up to new of the Supreme Court decision to uphold Trump (also known as 45/He-who-shall-be-named-as-little-as-possible)’s travel ban against Muslim countries, in the name of “national security.” As a human being, I’m crushed. As an attorney, I’m furious that the highest court in the land would uphold something so unjust, refusing to learn from history and past mistakes. [see Korematsu]. I wish I could say that I was surprised. And perhaps  ...

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